To place an order or for more info please call: 800-806-5552 or email us at

Your Switchgear & Switchgear Life Extension source.
Exceptionally customized medium voltage switchgear from indoor to walk-in EPC line-ups;
Match & line extensions;
Roll-in Replacement Breakers
or simply spare parts
National Breaker Services has the facility, capabilities, personnel, and expertise to fulfill your needs.
Click on the links below for different Switchgear categories
Engineered for integration; Citadel® Switchgear allows pick & place in a shift. Controls, protection, and SCADA are marshaled to a common pre-wired, pre-tested cabinet for speedy on site conduit connections and startup.

Great things sit on solid foundations.
Non-corroding stainless steel drip edges ensure long life and exceptional wall underpinning

Thoughtfully design rich, EPC engineering

Engineering for every environment
3rd Party Certification for every need
Check our video documentation here